How do I generate optimized routes and display them on Proxi? | Scribe

How do I generate optimized routes and display them on Proxi?

  • Chelsey Roney |
  • 0 step |
  • 5 minutes
  • ProxiProxi
Navigate to your Proxi map.
To begin routing on Proxi, click the yellow route button on the left hand side of the screen.

Add Custom Start and End Locations

You can add a custom start location if you have one.
Click here.
Type the custom start location.
You can add a custom end location if you have one.

Adding Waypoints to Your Route

Then you can add waypoints in between. If you click 'Add Waypoint', a drop-down will appear with all of your map points to select from. If you'd like to make that drop-down list shorter, you can filter your map before clicking 'Add Waypoint.'
Once you're done filtering your map, click "Add Waypoint".
Add desired waypoints from the dropdown.
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