How do I set the mileage allowance? | Scribe

    How do I set the mileage allowance?

    • Olympus Mobility |
    • 14 steps |
    • 39 seconds

      How does it work?

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      With trip registration, your users record their professional and commuting trips in the Olympus app. All products you add in the management portal can be used by all app users in the Olympus app. At the company level, you configure reimbursement per trip for: - Commuting by bicycle or on foot - Commuting by car - Professional travel by company car, private car and/or bicycle The kilometre allowance accepts only whole numbers. According to legislation, the mileage allowance is determined per full kilometre.

      How do I set it up?

      Navigate to <>
      Click "Products"
      Click "Trip registration"


      Want to let users enter their own mileage? Click here. That way you don't have to enter all the distances yourself in the management portal.
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      Want to set the mileage yourself for an individual user? Go to 'Manage app users'. - Find the app user - Select 'Trip registration' in the navigation at the top Here you can enter the commuting distance for the user. If you use the Excel file to add employees in bulk, you can also enter the commuting distance via that file. A separate commuting distance per means of transport (on foot, by bike, or by private car) is possible.
      You will have the choice of commuting by: - car - bike - on foot Tick which options you want to give your users.
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      When commuting by private car, there are 2 options: - Mileage allowance based on an amount per kilometre - Mileage allowance based on the SNCB 2nd class social season ticket, where you enter the daily allowance at user level.\ This daily allowance depends on the commuting distance. There are sector agreements and tables for this.
      Then click "Add" to set the mileage allowance
      Enter the mileage allowance.
      Click "Add"

      Business trips

      For business trips, you get the choice of travel by: - your own car - a flex car without a fuel card - by bicycle Tick which options you want to give your users.
      Click 'Add'.
      Enter the mileage allowance
      Click "Add"
      Click "Save changes"