How do I set up homework registration? | Scribe

    How do I set up homework registration?

    • Olympus Mobility |
    • 8 steps |
    • 24 seconds

      How does it work?

      information ordinal icon
      With the homework registration module in the Olympus app, users are given the option to register which days they work from home. At company level, you can consequently link a daily allowance for working from home. However, this is not mandatory. You can also use the module without providing a daily allowance. This gives you a nice overview of working from home in your organisation. Chose to opt for an allowance? Then, at the end of the month, you will receive a report stating: Person X has worked from home 12 times in month X and should receive an allowance of 12x daily allowance (e.g. € 10) for this. For a general overview, download the report *'Travel registrations: monthly summary'* . Would you prefer an overview per day? Then look at *'Travel registrations: monthly detail'*.

      How do I set it up?

      Navigate to <>
      Click "Products"
      Click "Homework registration"
      Click on "Enable homework registration"
      Change the amount here.
      Enter the amount.
      Click "Save changes"
      Click "Save changes"