How to Add Fonts to Google Slides
This guide is essential for anyone looking to customize their presentations in Google Slides by adding new fonts, enhancing their visual appeal and engagement. It provides straightforward, step-by-step instructions for selecting and applying fonts, making it easy for users to personalize their slides. By following this guide, users can elevate their presentations and make them stand out, ensuring their message is effectively communicated.
Patricio Arechavaleta
8 steps
48 seconds
Google Drive
Can you upload fonts to google slides? Yes, first navigate to Google Drive and go to the presentation that you would like to work on.
In order to add a font, you first have to select a text box.
Go to the text menu on the top.
In the dropdown menu, click "More fonts"
Select the font that you would like to add "Poppins".
Click "OK".
Click on the font menu.
Select the font that you added.