How to Add Panopto Videos into your Blackboard Course | Scribe

    How to Add Panopto Videos into your Blackboard Course

    • Adam Palczewski |
    • 0 step |
    • 33 seconds

    Finding the Panopto LTI

    Navigate to your Blackboard course.
    Click on the line between content items or the purple '+' icon.
    Click "Content Market" from the pop-up menu.
    Click on the 'Panopto Embed' option.

    Finding Previously Made Panopto Videos

    Click the "Choose a folder or start typing to search" field.
    Here, you can find your Panopto folders, where you can select different videos you've already made.
    Once you click through your folders and find the video you need, you can click on it to select it.

    Uploading a Video to Panopto

    Click "Upload" if you'd like to upload a video into Panopto.
    Click on the video area or drag and drop the video file you would like to upload from your computer.

    Recording a New Panopto Video

    Click "Record".
    You have two options for recording: From your browser, or from the Windows app.

    Uploading the Panopto Video into Your Course

    Once you've recorded, uploaded or selected the video you would like to upload, you can click "Video Embed Options" at the bottom of the page to change settings for the video.
    Once you're happy with the settings and the video, you can click "Insert" in the bottom right corner of the page to insert the video into your course.
    The video has now been added to your course!
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