How to Add Project Members and Task Followers | Scribe

    How to Add Project Members and Task Followers

    • AsanaAsana
    • Google AccountGoogle Account

    How to Add Project Members- Option 1

    Select the project you would like to add members to. Then in the upper right hand corner click on the faces which add members.
    Click "Add members by name or email…" to add project members.
    You can also select their status in the project as "Project admin", "Editor" or "Commenter". Each of these have different levels of editing privileges. *Remember to unselect "Notify them when new tasks are added to their project." Your teammates Asana notifications will thank you!
    Close the Share box to return to your project.

    How to Add Project Members- Option 2

    After opening the project you would like to add members to, click "Overview"
    Under "Project roles" select "Add member".
    The same Share box we saw in option one will open with the same ability to add members and status in the project. *Remember to unselect "Notify them when new tasks are added to their project." Your teammates Asana notifications will thank you!

    How to Add a Follower to a Task

    To add a follower to a task, open the details bar using the side arrow on the task.
    Scroll down in the details box until you reach Comments.
    Use @mentions to add a person as a task follower.
    You can also use @mentions to add another project.
    Type " this is also for your group."
    When using @mentions, be sure to explain why you added that person as a task follower.

    To Leave Notifications for a Task

    You can also choose to leave a task. This ends your notifications for that specific task. In the detail bar for that task, scroll to the bottom and select "Leave task".