How to Apply Discount on Management Fee Invoice? | Scribe

How to Apply Discount on Management Fee Invoice?

  • Tanvir Mahedi |
  • 0 step |
  • 3 minutes
  • MipropertyportalMipropertyportal
Tip- Is there a way to apply a discount on management fee invoices? The answer is "YES"! You can apply a discount on management fee invoices. \ \ Follow the steps below to apply a discount on the Management Fee invoice:
Log into the Admin Portal
Go to the "Accounting" dropdown under "Accounting & Reports" on the left navigation
Click on "Invoice" under "Inflow" dropdown
Select the invoice for which you wish to apply a discount & click on "View Details" option under "Action" column
Click on "More Action" dropdown of the Invoice
Click on "Apply Discount"
Type the amount under the "Discount Amount \*" field
Click "You may need to adjust/refresh the owner payout amount manually (to make sure your payout has valid amount)"
Alert- You may need to adjust/refresh the owner payout amount manually (to make sure your payout has valid amount)
Click on "Yes, Submit"
A delete option for the discount can also be found in the 'Invoice Summary': just click the "Trash" icon
Review the confirmation message & click on "Yes, Delete" if you want to delete the discounted amount
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