How to Assign and Complete Scorecards | Scribe

How to Assign and Complete Scorecards

  • Sam Harrison |
  • 0 step |
  • 3 minutes
  • Talos360Talos360
Alert! Scorecards are an additional bolt on. Please make sure you have this included within your TalosATS contract.
Tip! Scorecards are set up on an individual job basis.
Click this actions tab on each vacancy.
Click "Job Settings".
Click Forms.
Click "Scorecards".
Click "Assign Existing Form".
Tip! You can assign multiple scorecards to a vacancy.
Click this dropdown and choose your Scorecard.
Tip! If no scorecard appears, you need to create the scorecard and save and publish it.
Click "Add Respondent" if you have 3 hiring managers that will be filling out this scorecard you will need 3 respondents. If you only have 1 then you will just need the 1 respondent. Alternatively, in the drop down user list you can assign a specific hiring manager as a respondent.
Tip! A hiring manager will only appear in the drop down list if they have access to the vacancy that the scorecard is being assigned too.
Click "Save assignment".

Completing the Scorecard

Click "Application".
Click "Scoring".
Fill the scorecard details in.
Click "Complete Scorecard".
Alert! You cannot amend your answers once you have completed the scorecard.
Click "Recruiter Scoring".
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