How to Audit Product v2 | Scribe

    How to Audit Product v2

    • Joshua Young |
    • 27 steps |
    • 54 seconds
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      Resources Needed: Audit Sheet on Microsoft Drive I-Pad I-Pad Scanner Indica Online on I-Pad
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      Before Beginning make sure you have the Audit being completed pulled up on the I-Pad , Scanner connected to the I-pad , & Indica Online open on your I-Pad.
      You will start by signing into Indica Online on the Ipad and selecting the "Hamburger Menu" in the top left.
      Select "Inventory" and then select the "Product Audit" button.
      Select the shelf you are Auditing and then click the "Start Audit" button.
      Select the "Start Scanning" button.
      Find the product's bin you are looking for and separate each unit by its Batch and UID
      Once you have all Batches separated you may scan one of each of the Batches and then count each of those respective UID's physically now that you know the expected count and which units belong to which UID.
      Select the "Stop Scanning" button.
      Select the Number in the actual column for the UID you just scanned to input the number of units you physically have for the UID.
      Change the "pcs" to the number of units you physically have for that UID and click Apply.
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      It is very important that we do not click the adjust quantity button, doing this may result in disciplinary action.
      The Actual Count for the UID will increase to the number input in the last selection.
      Input the count you physically have for any other UIDs using steps 8 & 9
      Before inputting the expected and physical amount on the excel sheet we must refresh the audit to ensure we have an accurate count.
      Select the "Stop Audit" button and then click "Yes".
      Select "Start Audit" and now you will have a refreshed product audit with an updated expected count which should match the product you counted.
      Once you are returned to the Product Audit page you will have all updated numbers and be able to input the expected count into the "IO Shelf QTY" column on our Excel Sheet
      You will also input the Actual count from the Product Audit page onto the "Actual Count" column on your excel sheet.
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      If you are performing a Front Stock you must remember to check the displays and get the count for the display unit as well!