How to Check Student-Athlete Registration | Scribe

    How to Check Student-Athlete Registration

    • Adrianna TippitMartelli |
    • 8 steps |
    • 25 seconds
    • RschooltodayRschooltoday
    • GoogleGoogle
    • RschoolteamsRschoolteams
    Navigate to [](
    Scroll down and click here
    Click "Login to My Account" under returning users
    acknowledge that you are not a robot and sign in
    Check under the current school year (in blue).
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    If there are no sports listed directly under the current year that means there is no current registration on file. Please click the register button and select the student you wish to register. Make sure to have a current physical ready to upload.\ \ If you had registered for the fall season but did not select on a winter or spring sport,(or that sport is not appearing under your current year registration) you will need to click the blue register button, select that student and then select any sports they may participate in this year. They will only be assessed fees for the sports they are rostered on, so go ahead and select as many as you would like. Make sure you go through each page of the registration and re-enter any required information. Click submit for the new information to be saved.
    Look at the row that corresponds the sport you want to know the registration status of.
    Look at the final clearance column to check status
    information ordinal icon
    There are three possible status notes, Yes, No, or Pending. Yes = they are cleared for their sport, no further action is needed\ \ No= means there was an issue with their registration and/or physical. You should have received an email stating what needs to be corrected in order for the student to be eligible. \ \ Pending= The student-athlete's registration has not yet been viewed. Please check back tomorrow. \ (The registration will be checked right before the start of the respective season. I.E. in November the winter season will be processed but the spring season will remain pending)