How to Check & Use Your Store Credit | Scribe

    How to Check & Use Your Store Credit

    • Mitch Hawes |
    • 17 steps |
    • 51 seconds
    • ShopbcauseShopbcause
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Login"
    Login with your BCause account details and click 'Sign in'.
    On the right hand side of your screen click on "Store Credit".
    This pop up will show your store credit history, balance and your unique loyalty card code. In this example, there is $5 in store credit available.
    To use your store credit on your next order, copy your loyalty card cord. In this example it would be "fde7c6aa98683037"
    Exit out of the store credit pop up by clicking the 'X' button.
    Shop as you would normally on BCause (see tutorial How to Add Products To Your Cart for help on how to shop on BCause). When you're ready to checkout click either of the cart icons you see on your screen.
    At the bottom of the pop up cart menu, you will see a 'Discount Code' field. This is NOT WHERE YOU ENTER your loyalty card code. First, click "Checkout"
    Review your cart and when you're ready to checkout scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the postal code of where you want your order to be shipped to.
    Click the "Choose a date and time." field.
    Select your desired delivery day from the calendar.
    Click "Check out"
    On the right hand side of your screen you will see the "Gift card or discount code" field.
    Paste your Loyalty Card Code from Step 5 into this field and click "Apply"
    If you have store credit to be used you will see a gift card line be added to your order and see your new total. Note: When using store credit the BCause system will use all of your available store credit. It is not possible to only use a partial amount of your saved store credit at this time.
    Continue the checkout process as normal. For help on how to checkout on BCause see the tutorial "How to Checkout on BCause" from the Customer Knowledge Center.