How to Clone and Edit a Job | Scribe

How to Clone and Edit a Job

  • Laura DiNitto |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • AvionteAvionte
Navigate to [](
On the search bar located on the top right of the page, search for the company you need to open the order for.
Click on the company you are searching for.
On the company profile click on the jobs tab on the ribbon.
Click on the job you would like to clone
Alert! Before selecting the job double check it is the correct job you want to clone
On the top right of the page click "Create Clone"
Click "No" next to clone as new job to switch it to "Yes"
Select the number of positions for the new job.
Under notification select No One
Click "Clone" to create the job
Click "Go to Cloned Job"
If you need to update the name of the job click the edit icon next to the name.
Click the the check mark once done editing.
Under Operations & Financials click the edit button
Double check the worksite address
Double check the workers comp code
* If Applicable * under Custom Job ID enter the order # in ManageRight or any external VMS
Double check that withhold emails says "Yes"
Alert! If withhold is not checked as "Yes" Avionte will email the client every week to check the talents timesheets.
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