How to Complete Activity Selections in Campwise | Scribe

How to Complete Activity Selections in Campwise

  • Cub Creek Office |
  • 0 step |
  • 24 seconds
  • CampwiseCampwise
  • CubcreeksciencecampCubcreeksciencecamp
Navigate to Campwise <>
Login to your campwise account and select "Login".
Click "Update Info" next to the camper's activities you'd like to submit.
On your dashboard you'll see 8 boxes, for activities select "Optional Items".
Select "Manage Activity Selections".
Select "activity" to begin choosing activities.
We ask that all families pre-select their camper's top five courses. Make these selections by clicking "Select an Activity" and then choosing from the drop down. Do this for Priority 1-5.
Once all 5 options are selected, press "Save" to save selections. You are then done with course selections!
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