Complete an Application - Conversion Personal Health Plan | Scribe

Complete an Application - Conversion Personal Health Plan

  • 3 minutes
  • BluecrossBluecross

About the Conversion Personal Health Plan

The [Conversion Personal Health Plan]( offers guaranteed acceptance and no interruption in coverage for who are losing or have lost coverage within the last 60 days due to: - Job loss/lay off - Retirement - Students leaving their parents group plan/post-secondary group plan - Employees on leave (personal leave, paternity/pregnancy leave, leave of absence where benefits will not extend coverage during the leave) - Transitioning from another provincial Blue Cross personal plan
Navigate to []( Login to your Individual Advisor Portal.
Click **"Apply"** to start a new application.

Getting started

Before getting started, please confirm that all applicants have provincial health coverage and currently have, or have applied for, a Saskatchewan Health Services Card. Click **"Yes"** to confirm and proceed.
Click **"Yes"** regarding leaving coverage to continue through the Conversion Personal Health Plan application path. **Note:** Click **'No'** when applying for a *new* **Blue Choice** or **Guaranteed Acceptance Personal Health Plan**
Click the **"YYYY-MM-DD"** field and select the **previous coverage end date.**
Click **"No"** for adding members or dependents as we are applying for a *new* Conversion Plan as a *new* applicant.\ \ **Note:** Only click **'Yes'** when applying to **add a spouse or dependent child(ren)** to a policy or, applying for **optional benefits** on a policy that already is active.
Click **"GET STARTED"** to proceed.

Previous coverage

Click this dropdown and indicate what plan the applicant is converting from.\ \ Select the Conversion Plan start date. Click **"CONTINUE".**

Tell us about you

Fill out the required fields for the primary individual applying for coverage. **Note:** This individual will become the Policyholder.
How did the applicant hear about Saskatchewan Blue Cross? Let us know by selecting from the drop-down menu. If the applicant has a promo code, type it in in the **'Referral code'** field. Click **"Continue"**

Adding a partner

Click **'Yes'** to add a Partner to the application.\ \ **Partner:** The partner of the Policyholder by marriage or a cohabitated common-law relationship. Sometimes referred to as a Spouse.
Complete the required fields for the Partner and click **'Save Partner'**.

Adding a dependent

Click **'Yes'** to add a dependent child to the application. **Dependent** means a Policyholder or Partner's:\ • unmarried child up to 18 years of age.\ • unmarried child up to 25 years of age who is a Full Time Student.\ • child who due to a physical or mental infirmity cannot leave the care of the Policyholder or Partner.
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