How to Complete Progress Reporting | Scribe

    How to Complete Progress Reporting

    • Karen |
    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • EcampusontarioEcampusontario
    Navigate to [Ontario Exchange | eCampusOntario]( log in to your account.
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    Alert! Progress reporting will open on the 15th of the month and close on the last day of the month.
    Go to the project card of the project you will be reporting on and click **"Actions"**.
    Click **"Submit Progress Report"**
    Select **"Yes"** or **"No"** for the question: **Has work been completed on this project within this reporting period for which a supplier must be paid?**
    **Service Provider Invoice** - for **SPS** projects For **Service Provider Support (SPS)** projects, your service provider does not need to upload their invoices to OEX so long as they are submitting them to you/following the agreed upon invoicing process.
    **Service Provider Invoice** - for **PMSPS** projects For **Project Management and Service Provider Support (PMSPS)** projects, your service provider must submit monthly invoices to OEX either through the platform or via email before you submit the corresponding progress report. Please ensure you keep a copy of the invoice for your records.
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    Tip! Click on the invoice to download a copy for your records.
    Click in the provided field to select **overall status of the project** from drop-down list.
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    Tip! Go to [FAQ page]( to see status definitions, view question: What is progress reporting?
    In the provided field, briefly **explain the status above and describe the general progress of the project**.
    Provide the deliverable **name, total hours** spent, **status, progress** and any relevant **comments** for each of your project's key deliverables.
    To add another deliverable click **"+"**.

    Reporting changes with a CSA Amendment

    **Report any changes to deliverables** (project scope), **budget or timeline** by selecting "Yes, I need to report an amendment". If you have no changes to report select "No" and skip to step 14.
    If you selected "Yes, I need to report an amendment" for the above . Use the provided field to **describe the changes**.
    Click provided field **"Click to add file"** to upload your completed **CSA amendment**.
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    Tip! The CSA amendment template can be found on the [OEX Documents page](
    Enter the **total amount invoiced by your service provider (inclusive of HST)** for this reporting period in the relevant field.
    Review the confirmation statement - "**I confirm that I am able to authorize this report, and have reviewed and agree with all information provided**" - and mark the checkbox accordingly.