We'll start by creating a new repository on GitHub. Do this by clicking the Plus sign next to your GitHub profile.
Hit New repository
Give your repository a name and an optional description. Do not add a readme or license yet. This will avoid any unnecessary errors.
Click Create repository
Next, open "Terminal"
The remainder of the process is a series of commands. To start, navigate to the directory of your project, and initialize the local directory as a Git repository by typing the following command:
"git init -b main" and hit [[Enter]]
Next, add files to the staging area and make your first commit message by entering the following two commands:
"git add ." [[Enter]]
"git commit -m "message"" [[Enter]]
Return to your GitHub tab and copy the remote repository URL by clicking the copy button.
Next, we'll paste the into the terminal along with the following command:
git remote add origin <put your remote URL here> [[Enter]]
Verify the new remote URL with the following command:
"git remote -v" [[Enter]]
Finally, we can push changes to finalize everything. Enter the following command to complete the process:
"git push -u origin main" [[Enter]]
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