How to Create a Credit Memo for a Customer and apply it toward an invoice | Scribe

    How to Create a Credit Memo for a Customer and apply it toward an invoice

    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
      Navigate to Brokerage Engine

      Create Credit Memo

      Click "Accounting"
      Click "All Sales"
      Click "New Transaction"
      Click "Credit Memo"
      Click "Choose a customer"
      Click "Nicolas Ortega (C) Customer"
      Click here to select the Product or Service from the dropdown menu.
      Click "Sales"
      If needed, fill out a description.
      Click this text field to add the credit amount.
      Type "500.00"
      Click "Save"
      Click "OK"

      Verify Credit to Agent

      To verify that the credit was properly applied, click "Customers" under the "Sales" tab.
      Click the "Search Customer" field to search for the Customer (Agent) name.
      Click "Transaction List"
      Here we see the list of transactions and we see the credit. Now we need to apply the payment towards open invoice(s).
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