How to Create a Unique URL | Scribe

    How to Create a Unique URL

      • SentrilockSentrilock
      Navigate to the Listings page, click on the listing you want to manage settings for.
      From here, you can control the scheduling link feature by toggling the "Allow Scheduling Links" button on or off.
      Click "Save."
      You can access and share the Sheduling Link in two different places: The listing Settings page and the Listngs page.
      **Listing Settings:** At the top of your listing settings page, you will see a 'copy link' hyperlink. You can click that and share it with out of area agents, non-member, or Affiliate types so they can schedule a showing.
      **Listings Page:** Navigate to the Listings page, You can also get the link through the three dots on the far right on your listings page.
      Click "Copy Schedule Link" and share it with out of area agents, non-member, or Affiliate types so they can schedule a showing.

      Scheduling Link Page

      Clicking on this link will redirect the user to the 'Schedule an Appointment' page. Here, they will encounter a pop-up box where they can enter the Out of Area Agent's contact information. Once the form is filled out, they can click 'Save' to store the information.
      Next, They will select the date and time for the showing...
      ... as well as the Appointment Type and the Duration of the showing.
      Click the "Schedule Now" button to submit the showing request to the Listing Agent.