How to Create and Customize an ILT Course in AbilityLMS | Scribe

    How to Create and Customize an ILT Course in AbilityLMS

    • 0 step |
    • 50 seconds
    Click "Manager Menu"
    Click "Courses"
    Click this dropdown and select the "Scheduled Training" option.
    Create a "Course ID" and "Course Title" for the training.
    Click the "\*Course Description" field and add a brief description of the training.
    Click the "Days Valid" field and enter the number of days the training is valid for after a learner has completed the training (i.e. 365 days after completion, the learner's status will change to "Expired" and will need to retake the training to stay in compliance).
    Allow the user to cancel their registration and print a certificate of completion by using the radio buttons.
    Click the "\*Duration" field. Add the number of minutes for the training duration.
    Once all changes are made, click on the "Save and Close Window" button.
    Search for your training by typing in the Course ID or Course Title in the Search bar on the "Courses" page.
    Click on the "Course Title" result you are searching for.
    Make updates to the course (i.e. course image, description, etc.) by clicking on the "Properties" tab.
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