Navigate to [](
Click "Settings" & "Welcome Message"
Click into the text field and add in your messaging.
We'd recommend adjusting your formatting to achieve a nice looking message - typically the middle alignment is used and the font size is increased to 48 or above.
If you'd like to include an image into your Welcome Message, you will need an image URL to paste. If your logo is already uploaded into the Dashboard, you can right click it and choose "Copy Image Address"
Click back into the text box and click where you'd like your photo to be placed.
Click the Image icon.
Paste the previously copied image address in the URL field.
Update the Width and Height to a reasonable amount. We had a square logo, so we used 500 x 500.
Click "OK"
Your image should now appear in the text box and you can continue making your edits. By clicking on the uploaded image, you can also change it's alignment, as if it were text.
If possible, we'd recommend adding in a greeting for Spanish speakers by filling out the "Spanish"option.
Click "Save" - Once saved, we'd recommend checking how it appears on the kiosk and making any necessary adjustments you need.
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