How to Create and Save Approval Rules in Acume. | Scribe

    How to Create and Save Approval Rules in Acume.

    • Addy S |
    • 10 steps |
    • 23 seconds
    • AcumelimitedAcumelimited
    Click "Admin" at the top left of your screen to get started.
    Scroll down and select either the customer or supplier approval option. Clicking on either of them will open up the respective settings page.
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    Supplier Rules will apply rules to purchase transactions covering inbound invoices from your suppliers and outbound orders you send to your suppliers. Customer rules will apply rules to Inbound Orders you receive from your customers and outbound invoices you send to your customers.
    Activate auto-approval for up to a certain value, tailor-fitting your workflow to specific thresholds. Enter the desired value in the "Amount" field. Once done, click "Save Rule" to save the settings.
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    SMBs often opt for auto-approval, while the global approval rule is ideal for enabling their bookkeepers to make necessary changes.
    Create Customer or Supplier approval rules by selecting the contact from the drop-down menu in the "Search Supplier/Customer..." field.
    Select a condition between "upto" and "any." If you choose "upto," enter the corresponding amount in the value field.
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    Upto is used for organisations with delegated fiscal approval levels. You can add as many levels as your organisation needs to meet its internal business control requirements.
    Click on the arrow for the most important - whichever rule you'd like to be applied first.
    Under the approval section, you can choose between different options: "Only": Select this option for a single approver. "And": Choose this option when both approvers need to give their approval. "Or": Select this option when either of the two approvers' approval is sufficient. "Then": Select sequential order of approvers in the approval process and bypasses any fiscal levels.
    Click the "plus" sign to add multiple approver emails for the task.
    Easily set up approval rules based on GL codes, cost centers, projects, or urgency.
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    Remember, you can have GL codes linked to managerial groups or departments. This gives you control over personalised approval setups. However, we recommend creating the codes in your accounting software.
    Remember to click "Save Rule" after creating a new rule to ensure your changes are saved.
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    To enable approval emails, configure them at the user level in the admin sections. Refer to our user role article for detailed instructions on creating and assigning approvers in Acume.
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    Customise rules as needed for your business by activating or deactivating them based on your preferences.