Click on the 3-circle triangle to open the drop down menu.
Select "All Home" to see all employees in your office(s).
Select your employee of choice.
Click on their first day to be scheduled.
Enter your time as shown. For example, for 8:00AM, simply put, 8a and the system will correct it automatically! Repeat as needed for each day.
If you need to make changes to a schedule period, simply right click on the day and hit edit.
To add in a lunch period, click on the plus sign.
Click "Regular"
Click "Break"
Select the start time. In this example, we will use 1pm.
Click on the field below end time, for this example, we will use 2pm.
Click "Add"
Click "Apply"
This employee now has a scheduled lunch break.
Need to add a transfer? Right click on the selected day.
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