Once in a project, fields are one of the ways Asana allows you to add more information to a project. They are filterable and customizable. To add a field, click "Add field".
You can either "Choose from library" which has field options created by Asana and APTA.
To locate a pre-made field, either scroll through the options or search based on what you're looking for. If you find what're you're looking for click on the field to add it to your project.
The field will add further to the right on your screen.
You can then begin to use the field.
Creating a Custom Field
If you are unable to find the field you want in the library, you can create a custom field.
Select which type of field you would like to create. There are many types of options. For this example we will use a text field.
Click the "Only you can edit this field's settings" field. This ensures others on your project can not change your custom settings.
Name your custom field. Keep the title short as only the fist portion will show in the list view of your project.
After giving your field a title, click "Create Field".
Your custom field is now in your project and ready to use.
To Change the List View
To change where fields are located in the List view, drag and drop fields into the order you would like them to be in.
Once the Fields are in the order you like, select the Save options on the right hand side of the project.
Select "Save for everyone" so everyone in the project can see the same List view.
To Delete a Field
Select the down arrow next to the field you would like to delete. Any field other than those automatically made by Asana can be deleted or edited.
Click "Remove field from project"
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
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