How to Determine Funds Available on a Standing/Framework Purchase Order from Buy@Duke | Scribe

    How to Determine Funds Available on a Standing/Framework Purchase Order from Buy@Duke

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 10 steps |
    • 24 seconds
      On the Buy@Duke Shopping page, select **Advanced Search.**
      In **Search For**, use the drop-down menu to select **Purchase Order**.
      Enter the purchase order number in the **Number** field. Select **Search.**
      The purchase order will display. Ensure the line of the purchase is highlighted in blue. If necessary, select the line to highlight it.
      With the purchase order line highlighted, select **Details.**
      On the **General Data Tab** (which should be open as the default), notice the **Value Line.** That value is the total amount of the purchase order. In this example, the value limit is $9,600. The **Expected Value** is the dollar amount of the financial commitment created with the purchase order. Typically, these amounts will be the same.
      Select the **Related Documents** tab to open the tab with invoice information.
      The **Invoice Value** field is the total value of invoices posted against the purchase order. In this example, the invoice value is $1995.00.
      Scroll down the page to **History** to see a list of all invoices posted and the total value of invoices. This screen also displays the purchase order values.
      To determine the amount remaining on the purchase order, use this formula - Value Limit - Invoice Value = Amount Remaining on the Purchase order For this example: - $9600.00 - $1995.00 = $7,605.00