How to Do Superscript in Google Sheets | Scribe

    How to Do Superscript in Google Sheets

    • Alejandra Arciniegas |
    • 7 steps |
    • 38 seconds
    • Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    There are different methods to concatenate in Google Sheets. Before we get into the formulas to do this, I should let you know that you can simply copy and paste superscripts from the list of Unicode Symbols, which you can find here: <>
    But if you want to do it by yourself, the first thing you need to do, is to select the cell where you want your superscript.
    Type "=char" and click on the option that will appear below. You should type the table number that corresponds to the number, letter, or symbol you want to superscript. You can find the references here: <>
    If you want to combine text and superscript, type "=concatenate" and click on the concatenate option that will appear below.
    Type "*yourtext*",=CHAR(*yourcodenumber*))
    For example, in this case, I'm typing: =CONCATENATE("E=MC",CHAR(178)). Then, just hit enter.
    That's all! You'll get your superscripts.