How to Edit Your Profile, Change Your Email, and Update Your Password | Scribe

    How to Edit Your Profile, Change Your Email, and Update Your Password

    • Sylvia |
    • 7 steps |
    • 35 seconds
    • UnvUnv
    Navigate to []( and log in with your user name and password
    Click on the "**Profile icon"** in the top right corner to open the menu. The menu contains sections that are relevant once you are selected for an assignment.
    You can scroll down to view other areas of your profile

    Updating your Profile

    To make changes to your profile details, Click the **"Edit"** button
    information ordinal icon
    Note that greyed-out areas cannot be edited here. Changing your email requires a separate process because it directly affects your login credentials. See process [here](
    **Save Your Changes**\ Click "**Submit"** to save any updates you’ve made.

    Changing your Email

    For guidance on updating your email address, view [How to change your email address in UVP Guide](

    Changing your Password

    To change your password, follow the[how to change your password in UVP Guide](