This is likely the most common way you will log attendance. It's quick and efficient!
**From anywhere in Flourish:**
Hover over Daily Attendance and select "**Log Multiple Attendance Records**"
Click "**Start Entering Data**"
- Member
- Date of Attendance
- Time In
- Time Out
Then Click "**Save and Add Another**"
Don't forget to set am/pm!
When you're done entering the data click "**Save and Exit**"
We recommend only adding a single day of data at a time. At the end of each day, click "**Save and Exit**" and start fresh with the next day's attendance log.
Entering a Single Attendance Record
This method is best used when you need to only enter a single record. If you're entering an entire attendance log we recommend using the "Log Multiple Attendance Records" option.
Hover over Daily Attendance and click "**Create a Single Attendance Record"**
Enter all of the data for a single attendance Record
Then click "Save"
Filter/Search Attendance Records
Click on the filter icon at the top of the list of attendance events
Pick a field you'd like to filter by, and enter in the appropriate information.
Once you're done choosing all of the things you'd like to filter by, click "**Search**"
You will get a list of all records that meet your search criteria
To clear your filter click the "**X**" on the filter results button
Edit an Attendance Record
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