How to Freeze a Row and Columns in Google Sheets | Scribe

How to Freeze a Row and Columns in Google Sheets

  • 0 step |
  • 53 seconds
  • Google SheetsGoogle Sheets

How Do I Freeze a Row in Google Sheets? Method 1

Sign in to your Google account and open a Spreadsheet to [](
Select the cells in the row or column you want to freeze.
On the menu bar at the top, click the "View" tab, which will show a drop-down menu.
Click or hover over the "Freeze" option in the menu. You will find many options to freeze rows and columns.
Click the option you wish. In this example, I selected “2 rows”, so the first 2 rows will freeze.
Here are the first 2 rows frozen.
If you also want to freeze columns, go again to the top menu bar. Click "View" again.
Click “Freeze” one more time.
Click on the option you wish. In this case, I selected the ”1 column" option.
Here is the first column frozen along with the first 2 rows.
If you wish to freeze the cells with the header rows, you should select the “1 row” option in the “View” tab.

Header Title

Sign in to your Google account and open a Spreadsheet to [](
Find the two dark gray lines next to the "A" column and "1" row.
Click and drag the vertical line to freeze columns.
Click and drag the horizontal line to freeze rows.
Click here.
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