How to Generate the Annual Financial Statement | Scribe

    How to Generate the Annual Financial Statement

    • Adam |
    • 16 steps |
    • 42 seconds
    • MyfundaccountingMyfundaccounting
    Go to "Reports"
    Click "Annual Financial Statements"
    On the first step you will need choose a "Statements Of Financial Activities" Report.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! A SOFA report must be selected in order to generate the annual financial statement.
    On the left, there is an option to include charts and graphs, which is automatically selected by default.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Please note that charts and graphs are included by default in every report. If you prefer not to include them, ensure to deselect this option.
    Next you can click on the "Balance sheet report" tab
    From here you will have an option to choice of "Balance sheet Detailed", "Balance sheet Summary" and "Balance sheet Separate Fund"
    After click "Additional reports"
    Here you will have the option to include "Statement of assets and Labilities by fund or by code", "Fund Movement Summary" and "Analysis of Recpiets and Payments."
    You have the option to exclude any additional reports by simply deselecting them.
    The "Receipts and Payments Report" provides the option to include both the code and description or to use only the description. Additionally, there is an option to exclude nominal accounts that have zero balances.
    For the last step you can click "Generate Word documents / reports" tab.
    You do have the only the generate an individual copy of the one of the reports selected.
    From here you can choose the financial period you wish to report on.
    Under the financial year dates you will have the option to organise how you want your report displayed.
    You will have the option to add supporting documentation to your Annual Report, although it is not required to generate the report.
    In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen there will be an option to combine all the reports that you have selected by choosing the option "Click here to produce combine word document".