Navigate to [](
Click "Accounts"
Click "Staff"
Click the name of the staff member you want to give Dashboard access to. You can use the "Search" box at the top to find someone quickly.
Click "Edit"
If the "Email" field is empty, type in their work email address.
Scroll down to the "Dashboard Access" section and toggle it "On"
Create a temporary password for this user. The user will be required to reset this password upon first sign in. Passwords are case sensitive and should have eight or more characters, upper and lowercase letters and at least one number and special character.
You'll then assign them a role. Each role has a different level of permissions. The "Community Admin" role is the most common, as it allows the user complete access to the Dashboard with no restrictions.
To view a breakdown of the roles, you can click the "Click here to view details of each role type" button.
If this staff member receives visitors / guests for meetings, appointments, ect - you will want to change the Display in Kiosk toggle to "On"
Click "Save"
If you want to view all of the staff that have Dashboard Access, you can utilize the "Roles" filter on the left. Once you've checked the role(s) you want to see, click "Apply"
Anyone that has Dashboard Access should have their role visibly listed on that "Staff" profile page.
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