Double-click the cell you want to indent and press the spacebar as many times as you wish
Check if the information of the cell you indented has the correct spacing
Manually indenting in Google Sheets by typing spaces is a slow and inefficient approach that consumes a significant amount of time
While it might appear to be a simple solution, this method can cause formatting problems and make your data harder to read. Additionally, it is inconsistent, as the width of the spaces between words can vary based on the font and font size used
How to Indent with Custom Number Formatting
Select the cells you want to indent
Click on "Format" at the top menu
In the drop-down menu, choose the option "Number"
Click "Custom number format"
Click on the "Custom number format" text field and press the spacebar the desired number of times you wish to indent the text
For instance, if you want to indent the text four times, press the spacebar four times
Type "@" after the spaces and click "Apply" to save the changes
How to Indent with a Formula
=ARRAYFORMULA(" "&Cell you want to indent)
Click the cell where you wish to add the indented information
In between quotation marks, add the number of spaces you wish to indent the text
For example, if you'd like to indent the text 5 times, press the spacebar 5 times within the quotation marks
Then, add "&" and select the cell reference
For the example above, the formula should be =ARRAYFORMULA(" "&E4)