How to Invite a Person to Your Team | Scribe

    How to Invite a Person to Your Team

    • Leeann Downes |
    • 10 steps |
    • 43 seconds
    • DirectusDirectus
    • GmailGmail
    Navigate to the "My Team" section in the left menu and click on your team. Scroll down until you see the button "Invite New Team Member" and click on it to continue.
    Enter the contact details for your new team member and save by clicking the checkmark on the top right.
    Your invitee will receive an email with a temporary password to login.
    When they click "COMPLETE MY PROFILE" they will be taken to the login page.
    They can enter their email address, the temporary password, and then click the "Sign In" button.
    On sign in, they will be taken to their information page where they can upload a profile picture.
    They can reset their passwords by clicking the profile icon on the bottom left.
    And then editing their password by typing a new password in the password field.
    And saving by clicking the save button on the top right.
    On completion, they will be redirected to the main user page. To navigate back to the main walking challenge content, they can click on the flag icon in the left menu.