How to Navigate the Evaluations & Related Services Referrals Dashboard to View Therapy Referrals | Scribe

    How to Navigate the Evaluations & Related Services Referrals Dashboard to View Therapy Referrals

    • |
    • 8 steps |
    • 30 seconds

    Navigate to [](


    Click the "Search" field and search for "evaluations and related service referrals"


    Click "Evaluations and Related Services Referrals"

    information ordinal icon

    Tip! Consider setting this report as a favorite using the star icon.


    If you wish to view tickets created during a different time frame, use the Ticket Create Date filter to make adjustments.


    Therapy Type filter menu can be adjusted to only display referrals for a specific area of service.


    If you are searching for tickets created for a specific student, use the Student ID menu to select their student ID number or search for their ID in the menu.


    Narrow the types of tickets displayed by selecting one or more options from the Ticket Status dropdown.


    Scroll across the data table at the bottom of the page to see the Assigned Therapist as well as the date that the ticket was closed.