How to Prepare a Document for Signature and Preview the Document before Sending | Scribe

    How to Prepare a Document for Signature and Preview the Document before Sending

    • Betsy Nigro |
    • 15 steps |
    • 54 seconds
    • LawmaticsLawmatics
    Navigate to the Matter Profile Page in Lawmatics. Click "Open Form."
    Search for the form used to prepare the Engagement Letter/Retainer.
    Click "Engagement Agreement (Internal)." (This is an example. Select the form used to prepare the Engagement Agreement/Letter for your firm.)
    Once you've selected the form, click "OPEN"
    Complete all the fields on the form as these fields will populate on the document.
    Enter the currency field(s) (e.g., Flat Fee, Hourly Invoice Amount, Down Payment, etc.)
    If you want the document to send for signature upon form submission, toggle the "💥 Send Agreement upon form submission?" field. If you want to preview the document before it is sent, submit the form without toggling this field.
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    If you toggled the " 💥 Send Agreement?" field before submitting the form, the document will be prepared and sent for signature upon form submission. No further action is required.
    Once you've completed all the form fields, click "SUBMIT"
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    Upon form submission, you may or may not be redirected to the document you are preparing. This varies from firm to firm. If you are NOT redirected to the document upon form submission and you want to preview the document before sending it for signature, submit the form without toggling the " 💥 Send Agreement?" field. Then, navigate back to Lawmatics. Hover over the Assets tab and select the Documents page. If you opted to preview the document before sending it, follow the steps below to learn how to preview the document before sending it from the Documents page in Lawmatics.
    Click "Search" in the Preview by Matter box, then select the Matter you are preparing the document for.
    Wait for the document to load, then review the prepared document with the fields merged from the matter.
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    The steps below outline the process for sending the document manually from the Documents page. You can also reopen the form used to prepare the document and toggle the "💥 Send Agreement?" field to trigger an automation to send the document for signature.
    Once ready to send, click "SEND"
    Optional: Set a Deadline
    Under Roles, click "Search" in the signer fields. Select the Matter, NOT the contact, for the first signer. Tip! If there are 2-signers, select a contact for the second signer instead of the matter.
    Select "Use Email Template" to use the prepared email template associated with that document. Select "Use Standard Email" to write your own message.
    Once all fields are completed and the document is ready, click "SEND"