How to Purchase an eGift Card from CSU Bookstore | Scribe

    How to Purchase an eGift Card from CSU Bookstore

    • Tom |
    • 12 steps |
    • 53 seconds
    • MbsbooksMbsbooks
    • ColostateColostate
    Navigate to <> and click inside the "Search Merchandise" field. Begin typing "Gift Card" and select "CSU Bookstore eGift Card" from the drop-down list.
    Navigate to <> and click inside the "Search Merchandise" field.

Begin typing "Gift Card" and select "CSU Bookstore eGift Card" from the drop-down list.
    Read the important information on the page about eGift card purchases. After reading the information, check the box.
    Choose the eGift Card amount you wish to purchase and click "Add To Cart."
    If you are done purchasing items, click "View Cart" to begin checkout. Otherwise, click "Continue Shopping" to add additional items to your shopping cart.
    Review the item(s) in your shopping cart. Click "Payment Options" to proceed to checkout.
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    **Tip!** If you are only purchasing an eGift Card, you do not need to click the box marked "Would you like to see gift receipt and message options for an item in your Shopping Cart?", as you will get gift message options on the next step.
    Most users purchasing eGift Cards will select the "Guest/Registered User Login." CSU students, faculty, and staff should use the eID/NetID login option.
    Enter your email address in the email field under "Guest Checkout" and click "Checkout As Guest".
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    **Tip!** If you cannot go forward after clicking on "Checkout As Guest," make sure you do not have any information in the "Email" and "Password" fields in the Returning Customer section.
    eGift Cards are sent via email. You do not need to select a shipping method unless you are purchasing physical goods. In the example, since we only purchase an eGift Card, our system is not asking for a shipping option. You will enter the address information next. - If you are buying only an eGift Card, enter your **billing address** in the address section. - If you are buying physical goods in addition to your eGift Card, our system will request a **shipping address**.
    If you are only purchasing an eGift Card, provide your billing address information. When the information you provide is valid, the fields will have a green outline and will show a green checkmark. If you are purchasing physical items in addition to your eGift Card, enter the shipping address for the physical items. After entering address information, click "Save & Continue" to continue to the next step.
    Enter the recipient's email address in the field marked "**Email**." Enter a gift message that will go on the eGift Card email in the "**Message**" field. Click "**Save & Continue**" to continue to the next step.
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    We cannot change the email address on an eGift Card. Please make sure you enter the eGift Card email address correctly.
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    If you do not know the recipient's email address or wish to print the eGift Card email and give it to the recipient, enter your own email address.
    Enter your credit card information into the payment information field. If you need to update your billing address to match what is on file with your bank, click on "**Update Billing Address**" to make any changes to your billing address. Click on "**Save & Continue**" to proceed to the next step.
    After verifying the information in the order is correct, click "**PLACE ORDER**" to submit your eGift Card order. The email address provided will receive the eGift Card via shortly after submitting the order, and you will receive an email with details about the order.
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    If your order is successful, you will see a page that says "Thank you for your order." You will receive an email from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with a summary of your order.
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    Alert! Be sure to check your email after submitting your order. Sometimes our system requests more information to process your order.