How to Record Continuing Education Activity | Scribe

How to Record Continuing Education Activity

    • ThentiacloudThentiacloud
    Log into the **LBVM License Portal** at [](
    Click "Continuing Education".
    Click "View" for the **July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025** CE Period to enter CE for the '25-'26 Renewal Cycle (which opens July 1, 2025).
    Click "Add New" to add a new CE Activity.
    Select the appropriate CE Category (i.e.- Delivery Method). *"Live", interactive webinars are online, not in-person.*
    Enter the name of the Activity Provider (i.e.- the Organization, the Sponsor, or the Conference name)
    Enter the Title of the CE activity.
    *Enter "Various" for the Title if you are submitting a conference OR multiple activities in one entry.* Presentations from a conference should not be entered individually but rather as one entry for the conference as a whole.
    If you would like to enter multiple activities into one entry, **please do not mix delivery methods**. For example, include all In-Person activities in one batch entry, and all Online activities in another batch entry.
    *Enter "Various" for the Organization/Sponsor if you are submitting multiple activities in one entry.*
    Enter the Date of Completion. *(For multi-day events, simply enter the last date on which you completed CE hours.)*
    Enter the total "Number of Hours" earned from the activity or conference.
    If multiple activities are being entered into this single entry, enter the total number of credits earned for all of the various activities included in this entry.
    Please indicate whether this CE activity has been pre-approved by the LBVM, AAVSB (RACE-Approved), AVMA, or is approved by another state Board, etc.
    Please include any details regarding your submission you believe would be useful in our assessment such as speaker and a brief description. *\* These fields are completely **optional**.*
    Click "Choose File(s)" to upload **Certificate(s) of Completion**.
    **Proof of Attendance (i.e. - Certificates of Completion) MUST include all of the following details:** 1. Licensee's First & Last Name, 2. Title of the Activity, 3. Name of Sponsor, 4. Specific Date of Attendance/Completion, 5. Total Hours Earned, and 6. Delivery Method. If any of this information is not included on the Proof of Attendance, the CE activity cannot be accepted.
    Locate the electronic Certificate(s) of Completion on your PC/Phone and click "Open" in the dialog box to save them into the CE Activity page. (You'll see the name of the file if you uploaded it successfully.) Click "Save" to record the CE activity.
    The acceptable file types that can be uploaded into the License Portal are: jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, and pdf.
    If multiple activities are being entered into this single entry, be sure to select/upload each of the Certificates of Completion before clicking "Save".
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