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Click "Free Business Search"
Insert your organization's legal entity name into the "Business Search" field
Click the "Search" icon
Click on your organization's name
Note your organization's exact name and business ID #
Click the "View History" icon
Note the "Control ID" number for the "Initial Filing" (e.g., Articles of Incorporation)
As well, if your organization's current name is different than the one listed on your Articles of Incorporation (e.g., Initial Filing) you'll also need to order any Articles of Amendment or DBA/Fictious Name documentation showing the connection between your original and your current entity name
Use this information to send an email like this to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]): "To whom it may concern, My name is {{INSERT NAME}}, and I am the {{INSERT JOB TITLE}} for {{INSERT ORGANIZATION'S LEGAL ENTITY NAME}} ({{INSERT BUSINESS ENTITY ID}}). I am reaching out because our organization is enrolling in Apple's developer program to publish an app, and they have requested that we provide them our Articles of Incorporation and any subsequent Articles of Amendment/DBA documentation. Could you please send me electronic and/or physical copies of these documents so that we may move forward with our enrollment in Apple's developer program? According to your website, the document number(s) for this/these documents is/are: {{INSERT DOCUMENT NUMBER(S)}} Let me know if you require anything else in order to send me these documents. Thank you, {{INSERT NAME}}"