How to Respond to a Connection Request | Scribe

    How to Respond to a Connection Request

    • 17 steps
    • EcampusontarioEcampusontario
    Navigate to [Ontario Exchange | eCampusOntario]( and log in to your account.
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    Tip! There are different ways to respond to a Connection Request. - Option A: through the project card - Option B: through the messaging feature

    Option A: Responding to a connection request through the project card

    Click **"Actions" button** on the project card and click **"Respond to Project Lead."**
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    Tip! Connection requests expire automatically after 10 days.
    Review the **"Project Details"**, to determine if you would like to accept the connection request.
    **To accept a connection request**, click **"Accept" button**, at top of project details page.
    Click **"Confirm" button**.
    Click **"Connect with \[name\]" button** to view contact details of project lead.
    Click **"Close" button** to close project lead contact information window.
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    Note: the project card status for an accepted connection request will now appear as "Accepted Connection" on your dashboard.
    If you accepted the connection, you can continue to communicate with the project lead via email or through the OEX messaging feature.
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    Tip! To learn more about the OEX messaging feature go to [How to Use Messaging Feature](
    **To decline a connection request**, click **"Reject" button**, at top of project details page.
    **Tell us why** you are declining the connection request in the "Description" field.
    Click **"Confirm" button** once complete.
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    Note: the project card for a declined connection request will disappear from your dashboard.

    Option B: Responding to a connection request through the messaging feature

    **Go to messages** section through the project card by clicking on bell icon.
    Alternatively, you can go to the messages section via the header by clicking on "Messages".