How to Search in Google Sheets | Scribe

    How to Search in Google Sheets

    • Alejandra Arciniegas |
    • 6 steps |
    • 20 seconds
    • Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    The first thing you need to do is to navigate to Google Sheets.
    Once you are in your spreadsheet, go to "Edit", in upper bar.
    Then, select "Find and replace" from the dropdown options.
    Then, in the "find" field, you should type the word you are looking for.
    Then, in the "Replace with" field, you should type the new word to need in your document. \ You can choose if you only want this change for one of the values, or if you want to replace all of them. If that's the case, click on "Replace all".
    Once you're ready, click on "Done". That's all! Your Google Sheet search is finished!