How to Send a Bulk E-mail (Playbook) | Scribe

    How to Send a Bulk E-mail (Playbook)

      **REMINDER:** The Playbook App and the Group Toolbox use the contact information each church attendee has provided the church and honor the communication preferences they have shared with us. If a participant is not getting your group's communications, please have them create an account, log in to <>, and confirm their contact information and communication preferences.

      How to Send a Bulk E-mail

      Open the SBC Playbook App and select **Groups**
      Select the Group Roster that you are wanting to communicate with.
      Navigate to **Roster.**
      Use the filters to narrow down the target group as needed. Then, select **Send Communication** in the bottom left-hand corner.
      It will take you to the **Send Communication** screen. From here, you can edit the recipients, select either Email or Text, toggle communication to parents (for SecondKids or Second Students rosters), and send out the communication. For this How To... we'll select the **Email** option and fill out our desired subject and message.
      Alert!\ \ Emails sent from the Group Toolbox or the SBC Playbook app will use the following settings for the 'From' and 'Reply To':\ \ **From**: "Second Family" **From Email**: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) **Reply To**: Replies to emails sent from the group tool box and playbook app will be delivered to the personal email address of the person sending the emails.

      How to Remove Recipients

      If you want to remove certain Recipients, select **Recipients** at the top of the screen.
      This will pull up a list of all the group members from the roster. If you want to remove a recipient, swipe left and click on the Red Trashcan Icon. This will remove that recipient from receiving the communication that you are about to send out.

      How to Send to Parents of Group Participants

      The **Send to Parents** feature will send the communication that you create to the Parents/Guardians that are listed under the child's profile. Toggle the **Send to Parents** option ON.

      Compose Your Email

      **Enter the subject of your email and message.** Since you are composing this email from a mobile app, the text formatting tools are not available. You will need to send your email from the Group Portal if you require advanced formatting.

      How to Attach Files

      If you want to upload a File to send out, select the **Upload File** option and select your desired file from your mobile phone.
      The following file types are supported: - Adobe PDF (.pdf) - **RECOMMENDED** - Image Files (.jpg and .png) - Microsoft Office Files - Word (.docx) - Powerpoint (.pptx) - Excel (.xlsx) - HTML Files (.html) The combined size of your email, including any attachments, should not exceed 30MB. If you need to send larger files, we suggest using a file-sharing service such as DropBox, Teams, or OneDrive. These services allow you to share a download link instead of attaching large files directly to the email.
      Once the File has been uploaded, it will show as Green. If you want to replace the File, select **Replace File** and upload another file. If you want to remove the file and not send one, select **Remove**
      Once you are done, tap "**Send**." You will receive a confirmation screen once you have sent out the communication.
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