How to Send a Connection Request to a Service Provider | Scribe

    How to Send a Connection Request to a Service Provider

    • 12 steps
    • EcampusontarioEcampusontario
    Navigate to [Ontario Exchange | eCampusOntario](
    After you have finished your project application, it will appear as a project card on your dashboard. The status listed on the project card will be **"Awaiting Approval"** .
    The Ontario Exchange team will now review your project application and may reach out to offer feedback on your application.
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    Alert! Before your project card can be activated, the administration fee for your project must be paid. Please [view the Ontario Exchange pricing page]( for more information.
    Following approval and payment of the administration fee for your project, your project card will become active. You will have the ability to view services providers that match with your project. Click on the **"See Matched Service Providers" button.**
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    Tip! Each project allows for a maximum of five connections with service providers.
    You will have access to **view all the service providers that match your criteria**. Click on a service provider to view their profile page.
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    Tip! - Service providers that have agreed to work on **both Service Provider Support (SPS) and Project Management and Service Provider Support (PMSPS)** projects appear highlighted in green with a check mark symbol. - Service providers that have agreed to work on **only SPS** projects appear as non-highlighted service providers. - Service providers that have agreed to work on **only PMSPS** projects appear as non-highlighted service providers with the ‘PMSPS exclusive’ label.
    By opening the **profile page** of any service provider, you can **view additional details about them** and send them a connection request.
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    Tip! On the right side, you can **reset or change the filters** to customize your match results.
    When you're ready to engage with a service provider, click on the **"Connect with \[service provider name\]" button** on their profile page to send a connection request.
    **Input your message** for the service provider in the provided text box.
    After finalizing your message, click the **"Connect & Send Message" button**.
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    Tip! Repeat steps 6-9 to connect with another service provider.
    Once a connection request is sent to a service provider, the status for that service provider in your match list will change to "Waiting for Service Provider response."
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    Tip! A service provider has 10 days to accept or decline a connection request, after this time period the connection will expire automatically and be returned to the project.
    Note: Each project card on your dashboard displays the **remaining number of connections** left for that project.
    You will be notified via email when a service provider accepts or declines your connection request. You can also view the status of your connection requests in your match list and in your messages section.