How to Send a Message on ParentSquare | Scribe

    How to Send a Message on ParentSquare

    • Wylie ISD Communications |
    • 8 steps |
    • 19 seconds
    • ParentsquareParentsquare
    • StripeStripe
    Navigate to <> to sign into your account. It\ will take you to your homepage. To know you are on the correct homepage, you\ should see your campus color and name. (Later, you may see multiple campuses if\ you have a child in the district.)
    This is the homepage. Click "Messages."
    Click "New Message."
    The "Quick Select Recipients" can be used to message the student and/or the parents of the student in your classes. If you do not want to use this tool, skip down to "Recipients" Field below.
    Find your recipient(s) by typing their names into the "Recipients" field.
    Select your recipient(s).
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    Tip! If you are messaging more than one person, choose "Private Message" if you want a separate conversation for each participant (like BCC): or "Group Message" if you want all participants to see all responses. \ Example: If you are messaging parents from multiple families about homework not being turned in, you should choose the "Private Message" option. \ If you are messaging the parents of one student about an issue in class, choose the "Group Message" option. If you are messaging your club officers, you may also want to send a "Group Message" so all participants can see the conversation.
    After selecting your recipients, type in your "Message."
    Click "Send."
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    Tip! Your messages will display like a chat or text thread. Each time you message the same person, former messages from the school year are still in feed.