How to Send an Email in Group Toolbox | Scribe

    How to Send an Email in Group Toolbox

      • SecondSecond
      Navigate to your class in the Group Toolbox.
      Use the filters to select the group of people you want to communicate with.
      Once you have the list of people you are reaching out to, click the "Communicate" button.
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! The email will be sent to everyone on the list. Do NOT select the checkbox at the top of the list.
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! At this time, the Group Toolbox only allows sending emails. The capability to send texts will be added soon.
      Click "Show All" to see everyone that will be on the communication. You will see a total number of people that will be contacted.
      If you need to remove anyone, click the "X" by their name.
      If you have anything to attach, you can upload it here.
      Now you are ready to compose your email. Type the subject for your email.
      Enter the text of your email. You can use the formatting tools in the bar across the top to style your email.
      information ordinal icon
      Currently, the Group Toolbox email composer supports the following formatting tools: 1. Text Formatting: Bold, Italics, Strikethrough 2. Hyperlinks 3. Font Colors 4. Font Style: Headers, Sub-headers, etc. 5. Numbered and Bullet Lists 6. Font Alignment 7. Pasting from Notepad or Microsoft Word - which removes unnecessary code that causes your email to be displayed incorrectly in different email programs. 8. Undo & Redo The following features are not currently supported: 1. Images 2. Layout Features: Columns, Rows, Tables, etc. 3. Video Embed Codes
      Once your email is ready to go, click the "Submit Communication" button.
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert!\ \ Emails sent from the Group Toolbox or the SBC Playbook app will use the following settings for the 'From' and 'Reply To':\ \ **From**: "Second Family" **From Email**: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) **Reply To**: Replies to emails sent from the group tool box and playbook app will be delivered to the personal email address of the person sending the emails.
      Your email has been sent.