How to Install EndNote Click | Scribe

    How to Install EndNote Click

    • Annabelle Holt |
    • 4 steps |
    • 8 seconds
    • KopernioKopernio
    • UkyUky
    • DoubleclickDoubleclick
    Navigate to: <> You will need to create an EndNote Click Account.
    Create an EndNote Click Account.
    Select the University of Kentucky as your institution.
    information ordinal icon
    Tip! **On campus access**:\ EndNote Click automatically detects your library subscriptions when you are campus based on your IP address. You don't need to do anything. **Off campus access**:\ UK Libraries supports off campus access through EZproxy. You will be asked when off campus to login using your LinkBlue ID. You will only need to login the first time you use EndNote Click off-campus and after updates to the extension.
    Now you should be able to access PDFs directly from resources like Google Scholar, PubMed, CINAHL, PsycInfo, and many more resources!