How to Set Up Year-on-Year Reports? | Scribe

    How to Set Up Year-on-Year Reports?

    • Anna Branquinho |
    • 4 steps |
    • 21 seconds
    • RoomraccoonRoomraccoon
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    We built detailed daily revenue reports for a granular look into day-to-day revenue. However, we also wanted to give you a bird's eye view of your revenue performance year-on-year to understand your revenue streams and improve your revenue management efforts.

    How to set up and use YoY Reports?

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    YoY Reports is fairly easy to use, but you must set up your revenue groups beforehand to use this report correctly. Please refer to the article on how to set up Detailed Revenue Reports for steps to set up your revenue groups.
    Click the "Reports" module.
    Click the "Yearly Metrics" tab.
    The Year-on-Year report will show the monthly revenue metrics over a year as per each revenue group and the total.
    You can easily select the date you want to compare in the YoY report by using the dropdown at the top of the report. By default, the report will compare the current year's date with the previous year.