Here's how to set up your Recurring Smart Ship with THREE
Navigate to
Input your username and password.
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Click "Orders"
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Click "Recurring Smart Ship"
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Click the "+" icon in the bottom right corner.
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Click "Add Smart Ship" on the products you'd like as part of your recurring Smart Ship.
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Click "Review"
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Make edits to the frequency, shipping, address, or payment by clicking "Edit".
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Select the date you'd like your Recurring Smart Ship to begin by editing the "Please choose a start date:" field
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Select the date.
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Click "Save"
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Check all of the required boxes.
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Click "Submit"
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Congratulations! Your Recurring Smart Ship is all set up!
Tip! If you process 6 consecutive Smart Ships at 60 CV - OR - process Smart Ships that equal 360 CV within 6 months, you'll receive a $100 Reward Certificate!
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