How to Setup Autopay | Scribe

How to Setup Autopay

    • PaystationPaystation
    Navigate to <>
    Click the correct business line.
    You will need to log into your account.
    Click "(Update)"
    Tip! To setup autopay you are required to have a saved payment source. \ If you already have a saved payment source, you can skip to step 16.
    Click "Create A Payment Source"
    Click the "Profile Name" field. \ Create a name for your saved card or ACH number that makes sense to you.
    Enter the name on the ACH account or credit/debit card.
    Enter the address associated with the ACH account or credit/debit card.
    Enter the city associated with the ACH account or credit/debit card.
    Enter the zip associated with the ACH account or credit/debit card.
    Select from the drop down the state associated with the ACH account or credit/debit card.
    Select Echeck if you are setting up an ACH payment.\ Select Credit Card if it is a credit/debit card. (Debit cards must be associated with the providers listed below to be eligible.)
    Tip! If you are setting up an ACH it will ask for your Bank Account Number, Your Routing Number, and if it is a Checking or Savings account.
    Enter your card number and Expiration Date
    Click this button.
    You should see that your payment is now saved!
    Navigate Home to setup autopay with your newly saved payment method.
    Click "(Update)"
    Click "Yes"
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