How to Submit Scoping Availability | Scribe

    How to Submit Scoping Availability

      Submit Scoping Availability via Email

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      This method of submitting scoping availability is available to experts who do not have an existing OCIP account. Experts can complete the form without an account, but will be prompted to register for and activate their OCIP account if awarded the Scope of Work.
      You will receive a notification email titled: "OCIP: Request for Scoping Availability."
      Click this link contained in your email. Note the Scoping Availability form must be completed within 7 calendar days from date of invitation.

      Submit Scoping Availability via OCIP Dashboard

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      This method of submitting scoping availability is only available to experts who have an existing OCIP account and may have several requests for scoping availability to manage. Existing experts may also choose to continue submitting through email if preferred.
      Click "Submit Scoping Availability"
      Click "Submit" to open the Scoping Availability Form.

      Scoping Availability Form

      Click "SoW Preparation Instructions" to view more details on what is to be included in a completed Scope of Work (SoW).
      Take some time to review the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" by clicking their links. Both of these links will open in a new tab or can be accessed below. Terms of Use: <> Privacy Policy: <>
      Take some time to review the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" by clicking their links. Both of these links will open in a new tab or can be accessed below.

Terms of Use: <>

Privacy Policy: <>
      Before confirming your scoping availability, review the Innovation Challenge details provided by the organization below.
      Click "Yes" to indicate availability and to complete the Scoping Request Availability form.
      Complete the "Earliest Availability" field under "Availability Details" using the calendar icon. Note: The date selected should be your earliest date of availability to begin preparing the Scope of Work (SoW), if awarded.
      Click the "Estimated Completion Time (in days) field to enter the estimated completion time to prepare the requested Scope of Work (SoW), if awarded. Note: The completion time is a maximum of 30 calendar days from the awarded date.
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      Experts have the option to provide the Scope of Work (SoW) using their expertise, but indicate they are not interested in participating in the full project for various reasons such as availability or resource constraints. However, many experts are interested in being considered for the full project and they may can indicate this by selecting "Yes" on this form. This will be factored into the algorithm-generated matching process when businesses and organizations are presented with proposed research facilities who have the capabilities to match their Innovation Challenge needs.
      Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate if you would be interested in participating in the full project, should you be awarded the Scope of Work.
      Complete the optional "Additional Comments" field to provide any further information or context for OCIP regarding your availability and interest, if applicable.
      Click "Submit Scoping Availability" to submit your Scoping Availability.
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      Note: Only the awarded expert will be contacted by the OCIP team.