How to Submit an FO&M Service Request | Scribe

How to Submit an FO&M Service Request

  • Jake Reznek |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • DartmouthDartmouth
Navigate to <>
Scroll to the bottom of the "Departments and Services" page, and select "Service Requests"
Click "Service Request"
Find which request best suits your service needs, and select it by clicking on it
By hovering over the different tiles, you will see an expanded description of what service that tile offers
Here, we will demonstrate a service request for "Appliance Issues"
The first two necessary fields that must be filled in are the "Submitted By" field, and the "Contact Phone Number" field. Input your Dartmouth Net ID and name, and then a phone number at which you can be reached. If you are submitting the request on the behalf of another party, be sure to include that individual/party's name. For the contact phone number in this case, put down the primary contact; whomever is in charge of monitoring this service request
The next field that is required is the "Property" field. If applicable, enter the "Rentable Unit", "Floor", and "Space" fields. In the "Rentable Unit" field, select from the list of options shown, and always be sure to fill in the "Property" field first before continuing to the other three fields.
When answering the "What type of appliance service is needed?" field, you have the choice between "Appliance not working", and "Other appliance issue". Choose the one that best meets your service request needs
If "Appliance not working" is selected, two new question fields will be available. Answer these, as well as giving a description of the issue to the best of your ability
If needed, attach any relevant photos or files that would assist the service provider with your request. Once done, click the "Submit" button
If you want to make sure that your request has been submitted, and check the status of the service request, go to "My requests"
This is what the "My requests" layout looks like. Here you can search for requests using the "Number", "Description", or "Status" fields. If you have submitted any requests, you will be able to see them down below. The information provided regarding each request will be the request number, description, the date it was reported, and the status of the request
Information that is required no matter which type of service request is selected goes as follows 1. [[Your full name and NetID]] 2. [[A telephone number to reach you at]] 3. [[The exact location where the service is needed]] 4. [[A detailed description of the service being requested]] 5. [[Any relevant photos or files that can be attached ]]
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