How to Submit a Gift Aid/GASDS Claim on MyGiving.Online | Scribe

    How to Submit a Gift Aid/GASDS Claim on MyGiving.Online

    • Annmarie |
    • 27 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • MygivingMygiving
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    The below steps will guide you through submitting an electronic Gift Aid/GASDS Claim to the HMRC
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Claims"
    Click "Make a claim"

    Donations Excluded from Claim

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    Before you submit your claim, we strongly advise checking for any donations that will be excluded due to a missing gift aid declaration or the donation being older than the 4 year limit the HMRC imposes. The below steps will assist you in generating a report of excluded donations
    Click "Donations Excluded from Claim"
    Select the charity or branch related to the claim. Enter the date range for the donations included.
    Click "Next"
    Select the type of gifts you are including in your claim. To restrict your donations to gifts with envelope numbers, check the box next to **"Only gifts with envelope number"** To add gifts between a specific value, enter the value range in the boxes next to **"Gifts with value between"**
    If you would like to review the donations for any specific Purposes, Payment Methods, Batches and Comments you can manually select as many as you like from the options below or use the Check All or Uncheck All buttons underneath each box.
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    Tip! You'll usually want to leave the default options selected to ensure all donations that have been marked to be gift aid claimable are included in the report otherwise you run the risk of overlooking donations
    Click "Next"
    Select the information you require by moving the fields from the left box to the right box.
    You can do this by double clicking on the desired field or using the buttons between the 2 lists Click ">" to move the selected field in the direction of the arrow Click ">>" to move all fields from one list to the other depending on the direction of the arrow
    Click "Generate Report"
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    Tip! If there are donations visible on the report, this means these donations will be excluded from your next claim. The far-right column labelled Reason (if you chose to include the field) on the report will give you the reason a specific donation has been excluded, which you can then use to remedy the issue and remove the donation from the report.
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    Alert! If there are no donations displayed, this indicates there are no donations excluded from the claim and you can return to the Make a Claim Screen
    You can generate the report as a PDF or Excel file. By default "PDF" is selected You can choose to have the report in portrait or landscape mode
    Click **"Preview"** to open a preview of the claim